Sunday, October 14, 2012

louis vuitoon “Methinks I could do that myself

“Methinks I could do that myself, (having full power in the castle,) and so save you a labour,” said the Fleming.
“True,” answered Jorworth, “but it would be at the expense of a cord and a noose, whether the Welsh took the place or the Normans relieved it — the one would expect their booty entire — the other their countryman’s treasures to be delivered undiminished.”
“I may not gainsay that,” said the Fleming. “Well, say I were content to trust you thus far, why not return my cattle, which are in your own hands, and at your disposal? If you do not pleasure me in something beforehand, what can I expect of you afterwards?”
“I would pleasure you in a greater matter,” answered the equally suspicious Welshman. “But what would it avail thee to have thy cattle within the fortress? They can be better cared for on the plain beneath.”
“In faith,” replied the Fleming, “thou sayst truth — they will be but a trouble to us here, where we have so many already provided for the use of the garrison.— And yet, when I consider it more closely, we have enough of forage to maintain all we have, and more. Now, my cattle are of a peculiar stock, brought from the rich pastures of Flanders, and I desire to have them restored ere your axes and Welsh hooks be busy with their hides.”
“You shall have them this night, hide and horn,” said Jorworth; “it is but a small earnest of a great boon.”
“Thanks to your munificence,” said the Fleming; “I am a simple-minded man, and bound my wishes to the recovery of my own property.”
“Thou wilt be ready, then, to deliver the castle?” said Jorworth.
“Of that we will talk farther tomorrow,” said Wilkin Flammock; “if these English and Normans should suspect such a purpose, we should have wild work — they must be fully dispersed ere I can hold farther communication on the subject. Meanwhile, I pray thee, depart suddenly, and as if offended with the tenor of our discourse.”
“Yet would I fain know something more fixed and absolute,” said Jorworth.
“Impossible — impossible,” said the Fleming: “see you not yonder tall fellow begins already to handle his dagger — Go hence in haste, and angrily — and forget not the cattle.”
“I will not forget them,” said Jorworth; “but if thou keep not faith with us —”
So speaking, he left the apartment with a gesture of menace, partly really directed to Wilkin himself, partly assumed in consequence of his advice. Flammock replied in English, as if that all around might understand, what he said,
“Do thy worst, Sir Welshman! I am a true man,nike training 3.0; I defy the proposals of rendition, and will hold out this castle to thy shame and thy master’s,nike shox nz!— Here — let him be blindfolded once more, and returned in safety to his attendants without; the next Welshman who appears before the gate of the Garde Doloureuse, shall be more sharply received.”
The Welshman was blindfolded and withdrawn, when,nike free run 3 women, as Wilkin Flammock himself left the guardroom, one of the seeming men-at-arms, who had been present at this interview, said in his ear, in English, “Thou art a false traitor, Flammock, and shalt die a traitor’s death!”

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